Who is in charge of before and after care?
Ms. Wiehl is the Director.
Ms. Wiehl is the Director.
You will be always be notified by our School Messenger system and email if we cancel school or change hours due to weather.
To minimize disruption in class at the end of the day, we do not allow dismissals between 2:30 and 3:00 PM.
We have implemented a system of registration of visitors to our campuses.
Music players, Laptop computers, notebook computers, and other small electronic devices are not allowed on campus without: a) permission from parents, b) Approval from the Treatment Team, and c) Acknowledgement of the enrollment agreement which states, "Kentwood is not responsible if the device is lost, stolen, broken, misplaced, or otherwise harmed in any way.
Many parents of our younger students wish to bring in cupcakes, or a birthday cake on or around their child's birthday.
The Kentwood factor system is the center of our individualized academic program.
Kentwood administers the Terra Nova Test is administered annually to our students in grades 3 through 12.
Kentwood does not administer the FCAT exams to our students.
If your child is sick and absent from school for one, two, or three days, a phone call from the parent is required to establish absence records.
If you have any questions regarding tuition, monthly payments, billing, etc Call the front office and ask for the finance department.
Yes! After care runs from 3:15 PM to 5:30 PM daily from Monday through Friday.
If you realize that you are going to be late to pick up your child from school please call as soon as possible.
The school is open to receive students at 7:30 AM and is closed at 5:30 PM It is suggested that students should arrive between 8:00 AM and 8:15 AM because home base begins promptly at 8:30 and, unless you have signed up and paid for after care, students must be picked up between 3:00 PM and 3:15 PM If students are picked up after 3:15 PM after care charges will be assessed.
School hours are from 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM
.Kentwood provides a variety of parent workshops throughout the year.
Kentwood schedules four quarterly conferences at which the classroom teacher will go over each child's report card and discuss behavioral and other issues pertaining to each student.
Parents of children who are on medication must provide on a monthly basis, a month's supply of medication for their child in advance.
Kentwood prides itself on being supportive to parents and being flexible with regards to behavior management.
The Behavior Intervention Chart is a record of your child's behavior every minute of every day during school time.
CPU, Learning Skills and Social Skills Lab are the core of the Kentwood School Program.
Physical Education is a mandatory part of the school curriculum.
Kentwood is not a clinical program.
Unfortunately, teasing has become a common problem in schools across the country.
It depends on the circumstances.
After school clubs are arranged for students who are having difficulty with specific manipulative, disruptive or dangerous behaviors.
Parents are furnished with the bus drivers' cell phones numbers for this purpose.
Learning is fun, particularly if it is presented in a manner that is interesting and easy to understand.
Help is available, but it is not part of the overall enrollment package.
There is a homework policy, but homework does not start until the child is competent and motivated to do the homework without assistance.
It is not possible for you to visit your child's classroom during the school day.
Our staff is instructed to communicate with every parent on a regular basis.
The Kentwood program encourages students to follow the CHAIN OF COMMAND by doing the following.
The first quarter for every new student enrolled at Kentwood is a DIAGNOSTIC QUARTER, during which the staff and treatment team spend this time observing behaviors, getting to know your child, reviewing your Parent Priority Sheets and all the testing available.
Throughout the years, parents have expressed a desire to be involved with their children's education.
Monday - Friday
8:30 AM - 3:00 PM
Monday - Friday
7:30 AM - 8:30 AM
Monday - Friday
3:15 PM - 5:30 PM